No matter how well-furnished your bathroom is, there’s always room for bathroom remodeling in Springfield. All it takes it installing a couple of new light fixtures, and modern hardware, and doing a coat of paint.  

It can get costly if you don’t know where to start. For that purpose, it is important to consider every aspect of bathroom remodel to get it done right and within your budget.

This article provides a detailed guide on a complete bathroom remodel. Just follow the below tips to give a new outlook to your bathroom:

1. Choose the Right Paint Color

No doubt, paint can make or break the statement in your home. It is one of the major considerations when redoing the bathroom.

With just a quick run to the market or even on the internet, you can find a range of paint types that are formulated with anti-microbial additives. These are a great option to protect against moisture and mildew. Although such specialty paints may cost you more than standard latex-acrylic ones, they are better for bathroom space.

2. Pay Attention to Your Storage and Counter Space Needs

Determine the storage and counter space your bathroom can provide. Remember, the choice of vanity and sink plays a crucial role when it comes to finding out storage and counter space. If you have a small bathroom space, look no further than a pedestal sink. But, it has a limited counter surface and also lacks vanity for storage. If you have enough room in your bathroom, you can opt for a vessel sink that comes with drawers and plenty of storage space inside.

3. Don’t Miss the Flushing Aspect

Chances are that you have not shopped for a new toilet in recent years. Today’s toilets are fully-packed with LED-lit seats, built-in bidet functionality, and self-cleaning features. These are a few options you need to evaluate before redoing your bathroom. But, flawless flushing should be on top of anything.

4. Always go for Proper Lighting

Lighting is a critical element in any house. A perfect combination of lights can refresh your bathroom space. It can bring your bathroom to a whole new level. You can consider installing task lights on either side of your over-sink mirror. Make sure to place the fixtures at eye level. Adding a dimmer is a great way to create a unique mood in your bath.

5. Why Not Replace the Bathroom Window

Are you planning a complete bathroom remodel? Do you want to make the most of your bathroom remodeling project? A bathroom door and window should not be an afterthought. There is no need to replace the door and window at the same time unless both of them are damaged.

If your bathroom door doesn’t match the interior’s style, a fresh coat of paint is all you need. On the other hand, a replacement window and using a rain shower head are essential to improve your home’s energy efficiency. Also, adding bigger windows during bathroom remodeling Ozark, MO, allows in more sunlight.